Dad Bod: The New Fitness Trend

In recent years a peculiar term has begun to gain popularity in fitness culture - dad bod. This new concept came to challenge traditional ideas of beauty and bring up a new perspective on male physical form.

Dad bod is a term that describes the body of a man between the ages of 30 and 50, who exhibits a good physical shape, but not excessively athletic. It is the middle ground between the sculpted body and excess weight, which is characterized by a smooth belly, a little body fat and not very defined muscles. It is a body that reflects a balanced lifestyle, with space to enjoy life and take care of the family, instead of having to dedicate yourself exhaustively to a rigorous exercise regime.

This trend emerged as a reaction to the ideal of a perfect, toned and muscular male body. This is a more realistic and inclusive trend of male bodies. Celebrities such as Chris Pratt and DiCaprio have already been mentioned as perfect examples of dad bod.

Dad bod is seen as a more accessible, comfortable and attractive body. In addition, dad bod is often associated with the personality of a man who is warm, friendly and fun, someone who prioritizes relationships and moments of leisure.

If you want to have a dad bod, know that it is not enough just to have a specific appearance. It is important to have a more balanced and healthy mindset, such as:

  1. Have a balanced diet and the practice of regular exercises, such as aerobics and resistance.

  2. Have an active life, through walking, swimming or playing sports.

  3. Accept yourself as you are, valuing the person who is without fear of criticism.

  4. Have a balanced life, by dedicating time to take care of yourself and your family, taking advantage of moments to relax, enjoy hobbies and have fun.


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