6-Week Fat Loss Program

Week 1: Establishing the Foundation

  • Day 1-3: Start with full-body compound exercises like squats, push-ups, and rows. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps each.

  • Day 4: Rest day

  • Day 5-7: Incorporate cardio sessions. Start with 20 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio and gradually increase the duration.

Week 2: Increasing Intensity

  • Day 1-3: Add more resistance to your strength training routine. Focus on increasing the weights and challenging your muscles.

  • Day 4: Rest day

  • Day 5-7: Increase cardio intensity. Incorporate interval training to boost calorie burn.

Week 3: Fine-Tuning Your Workouts

  • Day 1-3: Incorporate circuit training. Perform exercises back-to-back with minimal rest in between sets.

  • Day 4: Rest day

  • Day 5-7: Mix high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with steady-state cardio for optimal fat burn.

Week 4: Revisiting Your Goals

  • Day 1-3: Focus on core strengthening exercises like planks, Russian twists, and leg raises.

  • Day 4: Rest day

  • Day 5-7: Experiment with different forms of cardio like cycling, swimming, or hiking to keep your routine engaging.

Week 5: Pushing Your Limits

  • Day 1-3: Increase workout duration. Aim for 45-60 minutes of combined strength and cardio sessions.

  • Day 4: Rest day

  • Day 5-7: Challenge yourself with advanced HIIT routines for maximum calorie torching.

Week 6: The Final Push

  • Day 1-3: Implement supersets in your strength training to keep your heart rate up and muscles engaged.

  • Day 4: Rest day

  • Day 5-7: Focus on mindful eating, stay hydrated, and get adequate rest to support your body through the final week.

Remember, consistency is key in any fitness program. Stay committed, listen to your body, and make adjustments as needed. Good luck on your fat loss journey!


Summary: The Second Day of Arnold Sports Festival 2024


12-Week Workout Program to Get in Shape in 2024