6 Arm Exercises You Should Be Doing

Single Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl

The single arm dumbbell preacher curl is an excellent exercise for targeting the biceps. This exercise has several key benefits. First, your elbow is firmly fixed on the pad, limiting any potential for cheating. This ensures that the majority of the tension is placed on your bicep. Second, you can assist yourself with the free arm, helping to lift the weight up during the concentric portion and taking the negative until you can no longer do so. This allows you to push your biceps to the limit.

Bicep-Focused Chin-Up

The bicep-focused chin-up is an underrated but highly effective exercise. Traditionally, the chin-up engages the back muscles more than the biceps. However, by focusing on keeping your scapula fixed and intentionally curling the bar towards your chin, you can shift the emphasis to your biceps. This exercise will burn your biceps and even your forearms like no other. Many gymnasts have developed impressive arm size through various pull-up variations, so don't neglect this movement.

Cable Bicep Curl

The cable bicep curl is another excellent exercise to include in your routine. Whether you opt for a single-arm standing variation or a seated two-arm version, the cable provides constant tension throughout the movement, particularly in the lengthened position of the bicep. This helps to ensure that both arms are working equally, preventing any imbalances. Additionally, the cable setup allows you to tilt your torso to align your elbow with the direction of the pull, minimizing any elbow discomfort.

Tricep Exercises

Close Grip Press

For tricep training, I recommend incorporating a pressing movement as one of the three key exercises. This can be a close-grip barbell press, a close-grip Smith machine press, or even a bodyweight dip variation. These exercises engage the triceps, but you'll need to be mindful of not letting your chest and front delts take over too much of the work. Personally, I prefer the close-grip press variations, as I can better control the tricep engagement.

Cable Crossover/Close Crossover Machine

The cable crossover or close crossover machine is an excellent tricep extension exercise with the elbows tucked next to the torso. This movement places the triceps in a lengthened position and allows for a natural range of motion for the elbow joint. Compared to fixed-bar pushdowns, the cable setup enables you to align your elbows with the direction of the pull, making the exercise more comfortable on your elbows while allowing for a full range of motion and a strong contraction at the end of the movement.

Overhead Tricep Extension

For the final tricep exercise, I recommend an overhead tricep extension, either with a machine or a rope attachment. The overhead position engages the triceps in a different way, targeting the long head of the muscle. While the machine version may not be optimal for minimizing elbow discomfort, the rope variation allows for a more natural elbow movement. Performing this exercise seated can also help to stabilize your torso, allowing you to lift heavier weights without compromising form.

Optimizing Arm Growth

It's important to note that simply performing these six exercises is not enough for optimal arm growth. There are three key factors you need to consider to maximize your results:

Grip Positioning

Varying your grip position can significantly impact the activation of different muscle fibers in the biceps and triceps. Experiment with different grip widths and hand positions to target the muscles from different angles.

Tempo Variations

The tempo at which you perform each exercise can have a profound effect on muscle activation and growth. Alternating between slower, controlled tempos and faster, explosive movements can keep your body from adapting too quickly.


Your programming should include phases of high-volume, lower-weight "pump" sessions, followed by periods of lower-volume, higher-weight "strength" sessions. This combination of varying volume and intensity can stimulate continuous arm growth.

By incorporating these six exercises and paying attention to grip, tempo, and periodization, you can unlock new levels of arm development and build the impressive, well-rounded arms you've been seeking. Remember, consistency and patience are key, so stick to a structured program and trust the process. Good luck on your arm-building journey!


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