Portuguese model Ricardo Oliveira suffers from mental health: "I have a depression"

The Portuguese model Ricardo Oliveira is known to the general public for its participation and collaboration with major international brands. The model revealed through his social networks that he is suffering from his mental health.

"People, having a psychologist or any method that is to help us get out of any situation that disturbs our sanity, is fundamental and is not shameful or embarrassing," he began by writing Portuguese in a Story on Instagram.

"I have a depression and I have no problem saying or talking about it! Wanting help is the first step, recognizing and wanting to get out of the hole! We all have less good phases. It touches everyone, it's a fact, especially in the days we live in. Help yourself! Don't pretend it doesn't exist," he added.

The model thus alerts all those who do not believe that there are mental and psychological problems. Whether they are unknown to the general public or great Hollywood stars, mental health is important and should always seek help when you do not feel well.


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